Join us

Your first year as a member of YMCA Alumni is absolutely free. Just fill out the form below and be sure to click the "submit" button. Note: This form is for NEW members only.  Should you have issues filling out the whole form, place your cursor outside the form and scroll down.

Reasons to join
YMCA Alumni

Learn more about membership benefits


Members say the best part of membership is staying connected with former YMCA colleagues and friends from our working days. Local or regional get-togethers, reunions, short trips and video calls make it possible.


We are a national organization, though the heart of our fellowship is at the chapter level. You are automatically a member of one of our 17 chapters which represent all 50 states.


Our national newsletter – The CONNECTION – is published monthly via email and is an exclusive benefit for our members only. Each chapter also produces several newsletters during the year.


National YMCA Alumni membership is $25 a year. Most chapters also charge modest additional chapter dues. Your NEW membership is FREE for the remainder of the current year.


Our National YMCA Alumni Service Project, chapter service projects and the International Service Corps (ISC) let us continue our YMCA-style service to others.


There are so many opportunities to lead as officers, chairs and committee members at both the national and chapter levels.


Members get together every few years for a very special, fun reunion rotated to attractive venues throughout the nation. Local chapters also plan local reunions and special program events.


Active members of YMCA Alumni are eligible to apply for and receive grants from our partner, the Emergency Assistance Fund (EAF).


Join with members, family and friends on domestic and international travel adventures through the YMCA Alumni Travel Club.


National YMCA Alumni members have access to exclusive discounts and cash back offers on thousands of brands through a free membership in BenefitHub.


The prestigious F. William Stahl Award is presented periodically to a member in recognition of his or her dedication and commitment to the YMCA, the YMCA profession, and the art of written communications.

And more...

There are many more benefits from belonging to our organization of retirees and their partners who have served the YMCA at all levels. Discover YMCA Alumni for yourself. You will be very glad you did.